Doña Ana County, NM
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Treasurer's Office
845 N Motel Blvd
Las Cruces, NM 88007
(575) 647-7433
(575) 525-5946 (Fax)
(575) 525-5951 (TDD)
Treasurer's Office
Doña Ana County Treasurer Marisol Richardson became the Chief Financial Officer for Doña Ana County in 2024 after serving for more than two years as Chief Deputy Treasurer. Prior to that role, she held managerial roles in the County's Finance Department for 18 years.
The Treasurer's Office is the property tax collector for the County of Doña Ana, City of Las Cruces, Las Cruces, Hatch and Gadsden Public Schools, the State of New Mexico and other taxing agencies within Doña Ana County. More than 100,000 property tax bills, and an estimated 13,500 delinquency notices are mailed by the County Treasurer's Office annually.
The Treasurer's Office is also responsible for collecting all other money due to other County departments, including fees for services, licenses and revenues from bond issues and special assessments. The Treasurer invests surplus funds until they are needed for County operations.
**The County Assessor's Office sets the assessed valuation and the Board of County Commissioners ratifies the state-set tax rate for the county, each year. Other tax rates are set by the individual taxing entities with final approval by the State's Department of Finance and Administration.